Following you will find 60 free videos from my course Emotional Intelligence. You may use these for personal use but must not alter or adapt. Please contact me if you desire for me to train or speak on this topic or any other topic you find within my resources.

  • Videos 01-02 give you a basic understanding of Emotional Intelligence.
  • Videos 03-09 are short (30-60 second) daily challenges to improving your Emotional Intelligence. 
  • Videos 10-13 give you very useful background information for understanding and improving your Emotional Intelligence. 
  • Videos 14-17 are short videos in issues people face when considering weaknesses in their Emotional Intelligence. 
  • Videos 18-29 deal with Relationship Management. 
  • Videos 30-37 deal with Self Awareness. 
  • Videos 38-45 deal with Self Management. 
  • Videos 46-56 deal with Social Awareness. 
  • Vidoes 57-60 cover other useful ideas and resources.

Video 01: Why Emotional Intelligence?

Video 02: The Basic Framework

Video 03: 7 Day Challenge Day 1: Become Aware

Video 04: 7 Day Challenge Day 2: Take a Breathe

Video 05: 7 Day Challenge Day 3: Ask for Input 

Video 06: 7 Day Challenge Day 4: The ‘What If’ Plan

Video 07: 7 Day Challenge Day 5: Emotions Diary

Video 08: 7 Day Challenge Day 6: Tips for Finding a Mentor

Video 09: 7 Day Challenge Day 7: Recommended Resources

Video 10: Brain Plasticity

Video 11: EQ Plan

Video 12: Brain Function

Video 13: Five Basic Emotions

Video 14: Hot Buttons Part 1

Video 15: Hot Buttons Part 2 Emotional Highjacking

Video 16: Leadership Values Statement

Video 17: Limiting Self Talk

Video 18: Relationship Management – Care with Love Languages

Video 19: Relationship Management – Consistency Avoid Mixed Signals

Video 20: Relationship Management – Deal With Issues Quickly

Video 21: Relationship Management – Explain Decisions

Video 22: Relationship Management – Feedback Sandwich

Video 23: Relationship Management – Good Manners Little Things

Video 24: Relationship Management – Open and Curious

Video 25: Relationship Management – Open Door

Video 26: Relationship Management – Skill Will

Video 27: Relationship Management – Strategic Anger

Video 28: Relationship Management – Trust

Video 29: Relationship Management – Your Communication Style

Video 30: Self Awareness – Emotions Are Just Tools

Video 31: Self Awareness – Hot Buttons

Video 32: Self Awareness – Lean Into The Emotion

Video 33: Self Awareness – Mood Bad Day

Video 34: Self Awareness – Portray Yourself

Video 35: Self Awareness – Ripple Effects

Video 36: Self Awareness – Stabalise Your Mood

Video 37: Self Awareness – Values

Video 38: Self Management – Breathe Right

Video 39: Self Management – Change Gut Beliefs

Video 40: Self Management – Emotion v Reason

Video 41: Self Management – Public Goals

Video 42: Self Management – Sleep

Video 43: Self Management – Smiling and Laughing

Video 44: Self Management – State Change List

Video 45: Self Management – Time to Think

Video 46: Social Awareness – Asking Questions

Video 47: Social Awareness – Being Present

Video 48: Social Awareness – Body Language

Video 49: Social Awareness – Culture

Video 50: Social Awareness – Get 360 Feedback

Video 51: Social Awareness – Learn from the Movies

Video 52: Social Awareness – Learn Names

Video 53: Social Awareness – Minimise Notes in Meetings

Video 54: Social Awareness – Seek First to Understand

Video 55: Social Awareness – Weekly Do a 15 Minute Tour

Video 56: Social Awareness – Timing

Video 57: The Whole Person

Video 58: We Choose Our Response

Video 59: Four Secrets to Habits

Video 60: Other Courses – Time Management – Effective Leadership – Negotiation